PCAAS Concept
The Parliamentary Complex for Administrative and Ancillary Services (PCAAS) was commissioned following a RFP by UDECOTT. The purpose of the building was to provide additional Parliamentary accommodation that was physically not viable within the confines of the existing Red House, a grade - 1 listed building. The intended location for this expansion was a site at corner of Knox and Abercromby Street.
Besides the complex client brief, the architectural challenge would be the link between the new and existing structures.
Initial site development studies determined that an overhead link between PCAAS and Red House was not a viable option due to the location of the historical main debating chamber.
The multilevel design and underground link solution evolved out of massing and climatic studies formulated from the client’s brief requirements. While a five-storey development over the entire footprint of the site was required to adequately respond to the area brief, special attention was given to not overpowering the Iconic Red House. The final terraced design with robust lower façade retains a similar scale and stature along Knox Street.
The challenge in linking both new and historical building was resolved with the pedestrianization of Knox Street that incorporates an underground plaza that serves as a meeting point for MP’s while city community space is expanded at street level.
The PCAAS building as designed would have successfully added a contemporary landmark to the Port of Spain urban landscape, complementing The Red House Precinct without challenging the Iconic edifice. The relationship between the new and historical would have been enhanced by a practical and engaging pedestrianized Knox Street and underground Plaza. The common MEP plant unifies the Parliament holistically as a single maintenance entity.